
Hey there, and thanks for checking out my website! I really do appreciate it. My name is Kira and this is Woodland Teatime. My line of silver-smithed jewelry is created using sterling silver, copper, and brass using multiple hammers, a torch, jeweler’s saw, pliers, and joy.
My tiny, playful, forest floor works invoke my childhood living in the forest surrounding my home in the Pacific Northwest. I ran around barefoot, had tea parties on mossy stumps, built tree forts with scrap wood, came home with twigs in my hair, and had a pet witches’ butter fungi named Charlie (it was a sad day when my dog chewed up that stick).

Now as a grown-up the forest still feels like home. Helicopters falling from maple trees delight me, mushrooms appearing overnight as if from nowhere fascinate me, and my spouse picks moss out of my hair when I come in from the forest.
I began creating jewelry in 2010 when I was attending North Seattle College and took a jewelry class on a whim, not knowing what was involved. From the very beginning of that class, I fell in love with metals. As I like to say it was as though the clouds parted, the light shone down, and a voice sang out, “This is what you’re supposed to be doing!” Something I had never experienced before.

After graduating I began to soft launch Woodland Teatime, gradually honing my vision of my work's relation to the natural world. Through vending at markets in and around Tacoma and Seattle, I found my work as a way to connect with others: watching people’s faces light up with recognition and memories when they see my helicopter earrings or toadstool stacking rings. We are all from nature and creating ways to share our collective wonder and appreciation for this world has been the delight of my short human life.
Thank you for being a part of the magic.